Thursday, February the 20th, 2014 from 11h00 to 12h00 AM (EST, Montreal, Canada)
No one does business for himself, If the relationship the most common, the most famous of then is the client - supplier of other formulas exist yet.
Thus, the partnership: it focuses on bringing together entrepreneurs, designers, artisans of the same profession that most often has the original, do not know. The partnership proves to be a real asset in the current globalization became a reality for SMEs and very small performance.
Your trainer, Mr.Dechene has been working internationally since 1984. He was a coffee trader to begin with and he has now worked for over twenty five years to promote exports, association management and development of the business of trading. He is recognized trainer and consultant in Canada, Latin America and Africa on many international trade aspects (export, trading, marketing and financing), in association management, strategic planning and web marketing strategies. Mr. Dechene has developed several training programs (public, private and academic) and published extensively on these subjects. He has trained several trainers from trade promotion agencies and educational institutions in Canada and abroad. He is a trainer certified by Emploi-Québec and a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) by FITT.
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Secure payment via Paypal =100.00 $ CND
For more information, please contact us : 1 (877) 387 9009 (free) or + 514 387-9009
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